Privacy & Transparency

At Gilead, we believe in transparency. Transparency of business practices that involve financial payments, or providing other forms of value, to health care professionals is essential for building trust with all of our stakeholders. As part of our on-going commitment to transparency, Gilead:

  • collects information on who we make payments to, or provide other forms of value to (eg hospitality). This includes collecting the following personal information about you:
    • name and profession;
    • business/practice address;
    • a description of any services and benefits you receive from Gilead and details of any services, activities and events in respect of which you were engaged by Gilead including relevant dates;
    • the amount of the financial payment or the value of any non-monetary benefit you individually receive from Gilead including the amount of air travel, accommodation costs (room rate) and registration fee paid by Gilead and/or reimbursed to you; and
    • any financial payments made or non-monetary benefits given to third parties as directed by you

Transparency Data

Gilead also discloses the Transparency Data to our affiliated companies, including affiliates located outside Australia.

In accordance with the Medicines Australia Code of Conduct (the “MA Code”), or other applicable international regulations, Gilead and/or its affiliates will also publically disclose some or all of the Transparency Data. Specifically, in accordance with transparency obligations in the MA Code, Gilead will publish as much of the Transparency Data as required and in a manner which individually identifies the HCP on this webpage for three years from the date of publication of that information by Gilead. Gilead will give HCPs an opportunity to review and submit corrections to the Transparency Data before Gilead publishes that information.

You are responsible for obtaining any necessary approvals (e.g. from your employer or professional body) for Gilead and its affiliates to collect, use and disclose the Transparency Data.

The Transparency Data will be handled at all times by Gilead in accordance with Gilead's Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement, copies of which have been provided to you and/or can be accessed here.

If you accept a financial payment or non-monetary benefit from Gilead, you acknowledge that Gilead and its affiliates will collect, use and disclose the Transparency Data in accordance with above.

If disclosable under the MA Code, you are unable to prevent public disclosure of the financial payment or benefit provided to you by Gilead. If you do not want the financial payment or benefit provided to you by Gilead publicly disclosed, please do not accept financial payment or non-monetary benefits from Gilead.

Gilead on Transparency

Privacy Policy

Collection Statement

Please send any questions related to Gilead's transparency policies to